Women's Self Defense in Pace

Get Started With Pace's Best Women's Self-Defense Program!

womens self defense seminar

Don't let danger catch you off-guard. Come see us here at Pace Gracie Jiu Jitsu Academy and learn how to defend yourself against any real-world threat with the help of Self-Defense training. 

This program is providing women here in Pace and all across Milton with quick, effective strategies for any situation. No prior experience is necessary.

Fill out the short form on your screen to learn more today!

What's Included In Our Women’s Self-Defense Program?

Our Women’s Self-Defense classes teach quickness and efficiency. This system prepares women for the unique threats they face in life and offers a core set of grappling and self-defense skills that can keep you safe.

At Pace Gracie Jiu Jitsu Academy, we are proud to offer an environment where women from all across our community can come together and challenge one another to master the world of self-defense and face life with more confidence than ever before. 

Come see us here in Pace today to take on:

  • Effective grappling skills for any attacker or situation
  • Improved situational awareness and reaction times to a threat
  • Simple strategies to help get out of harm's way as soon as possible 
  • Complete confidence in your ability to defend against anything life throws your way

Get Started Today With Our Women's Self-Defense Classes Here In Pace!

At Pace Gracie Jiu Jitsu Academy, we're here to make sure you're ready for anything life puts in your path. Our Women’s Self-Defense classes are taught by trained professionals and adapted for everyday women from all across our community.

Fill out the short form on your screen to learn more about our Women's Self-Defense training and everything else we have to offer!

The Premier Martial Arts Academy in Pace

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